Fall Luminance: 24" x 36"

Fall Color on the way to Alice Lake: 37" x 20"

Quintessential Idaho: 24" x 36"

Natures Waterslide: 18" x 30"

Morning at the Lily Pond: 20" x 60"

Lily Pond Falls: 24" x 36"

Big Fall Creek Falls: 18" x 24"

Going with the Flow: 20" x 20"

Along Silver Creek: 16" x 24"

Silver Lake: 12"x 24"

Cascade in the Boulder Mountains: 18" x 24"

Into the Boulders: 16" x 24"

That old Tree Redux: 28" x 44"

Above the Basin: *Size TBD*

Redfish Lake #1: *Size TBD*

McGown Peak: *Size TBD*

Falls at Summit Creek: *Size TBD*

Trail Creek Valley: 33" x 22"

Twas a Dark and Stormy Night... : 20" x 24"

Early Spring in the Boulder Mountains: 20" x 24"

Along Redfish Creek: *Size TBD*

Little City of Rocks Cascade: *Print Size TBD*

Sunset Cloudscape: *Print Size TBD*

Sawtooth Sunset: 46" x 20"

McGown Peak Sunset: 20" x 20"

Winter on Little Redfish Lake: 50" x 25"